Programme - Berlinale Co-Production Market

The 22nd Berlinale Co-Production Market 2025 (February 15-19) will take place at Octogon at Leipziger Platz. Participation requires prior registration.

The programme of the Berlinale Co-Production Market is thoroughly tailored for its professional audience: producers and financiers from all over the world with different backgrounds of experience, but like-minded interests. The programme structure takes into account that each participant has their own busy agenda during the Berlinale, so registered participants can make the most of their time here and attend anything from single sessions or meetings to spending the entire days with us, depending on their interest.

Berlinale Co-Production Market

Potsdamer Platz 11, D-10785 Berlin

You can download the 2025 Programme of the Berlinale Co-Production Market on the right.

Please note that the registration for the Berlinale Co-Production Market 2025 is now closed. For details, please see Participation

Case Studies:
Case Studies on selected Berlinale films explore possibilities in financing and current trends in the field of international co-production.

Theme Talks:
Smaller talk sessions on specialised topics, fostering exchange between experts and participants.

Country Sessions:
At the Country Sessions, experts provide information about production conditions and co-production opportunities in ”their” country in a concise, moderated interview.

Speed Matchings:
At Speed Matching sessions, participating producers can develop new contacts during informal five-minute meetings.

Books at Berlinale:
Launched in 2006 in cooperation with Frankfurter Buchmesse, Books at Berlinale, is the world’s first market for literary adaptations at an A-festival. International publishers and literary agents present ten pre-selected novels with promising potential for literary adaptation, to interested international producers in moderated pitching and networking events.

Co-Pro Series:
Here, ten exciting international drama series projects that are looking for partners are presented. Participants can also schedule meetings with these projects.