Archive Market

Berlinale Industry Events

Access: Market Badge & Online Market Badge

Tags: #Archives

For the sixth time, the EFM shines a light on archives and archival research within Café Connect at the Documentation Centre for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation. Representatives of premier, international footage libraries present their archives and invite EFM participants to discover their collections and discuss specific projects.

Additionally, archive researchers and archive producers will offer EFM participants one-on-one Archive Speed Consultations. Two Café Talks from 2 - 3.30 pm (Learn from an Expert: How to Best Access Archives and Archive Yourself?!) on highly relevant archival topics and a talk in the Event Hall (Dismantling the Construction of the Past) complement the business portion of the Archive Market.

Attending Archives: akg-images, AP ARCHIVE, BFI, Bundesarchiv / The Federal Archives, Bridgeman Images, British Pathé, pa picture-alliance, Getty Images, IMAGO, IWM, PROGRESS Film, rbb media / footage berlin, RTS, R3el, Sonuma, SPIEGEL TV, Shutterstock, ZDF Studios

The Archive Market is accessible to Market & Online Market Badge holders.

With this offer, the EFM Industry Sessions aim to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) and 12 (Responsible Consumption & Production).