Books at Berlinale

Berlinale Industry Events

Access: On pre-registration

Tags: #Producers
Mon Feb 17 15:00 – 17:30 Berlinale Co-Production Market at Octogon
on-site only

“Books at Berlinale”, established in 2006, is the first rights market at an A-Film Festival. At the “Books at Berlinale” presentation, in cooperation with the Frankfurter Buchmesse, 10 selected books will be pitched to an audience of internationally established producers.
The book presentation is moderated and the respective rights holders (publishers/literary agents) are introduced.
Film producers active or interested in the area of screen adaptation, as well as publishers and literary agents, can register for participation in the presentation until 7th February at .

In cooperation with


Karla Kutzner

Berlinale Co-Production Market


Syd Atlas

Coach, Speaker, Author