Against Propaganda: How the Oscars Can Support Independent Filmmakers

Associated Event

Access: Free access

Tue Feb 18 15:30 – 17:00 Conference Lounge at Gropius Park
on-site only

Cannes award winning acterss, Zar Amir Ebrahimi, Film critic and researcher, Mahshid Zamani Bozorgnia, and German Film's managing director, Simone Baumman will discuss the flaws in the Academy's international films selection process when it comes to countries under autocracy.

Moderated by Melanie Goodfellow, the senior film correspondent from Deadline.

Hosted by


Zar Amir

Iranian-French actress, director, producer and casting director

Simone Baumman

Maanging Director of German Film

Mahshid Zamani Bozorgnia

Film cirtic and founder of Documentary Voices


Melanie Goodfellow

Senior International Film Correspondant
