Female Leadership: Breaking the Glass Ceiling
Berlinale Industry Events
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Women in important positions, as president, police chief - or as CEO? The world of “Barbie” remains a distant dream for the time being. Two American studies on the gender and ethnicity of filmmakers analyze the film year 2023 and show that there is still a long way to go to achieve more female leadership.
But what is the solution? We would like to talk to leading women in International Film about their own experiences on their career path and what needs to change in order to empower female leadership. The Berlinale with its new female leadership is a good example of a constructive change. Apart from more public attention and greater sensitivity to the issue, are there concrete measures to promote female leadership?
With this offer, the EFM Industry Sessions aim to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals 5 (Gender Equality), 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), 10 (Reduced Inequalities) and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

Nataly Kudiabor (she/her)
Managing Director & Executive Producer
UFA Fiction, Germany

Dana Blankstein Cohen (she/her)
Executive Director
Sam Spiegel Film and Television School, Israel

Małgorzata Szumowska (she/her)

Clare Binns (she/her)
Picturehouse, UK

Bec Smith (she/her)
Partner & Literary Manager
Anonymous Content, USA

Yoko Higuchi-Zitzmann (she/her)
Media Manager & Producer
Westbrook, Germany