From Idea to Audience: Testing, Marketing and Financing Your Film

Berlinale Industry Events

Access: Market Badge

Sat Feb 15 14:00 – 15:00 Producers Hub at Gropius Bau
on-site only

Great films deserve their audience. When an idea for a great film forms, this is the time to start considering your audience. In this discussion our panel will explore ways to build an engaged audience early and create demand for your film. With insights based on real data, we explore practical tools and strategies to test your audience, generate buzz and showcase market potential to attract financiers and distributors. Take away actionable marketing tips to kickstart your film's success, ensuring it connects with the right viewers and maximizes its impact. Perfect for filmmakers and producers looking to bridge the gap between creativity and commercial success!

Presented by


Tom Grievson (he/him)


HanWay Films, UK

Oliver Fegan (he/him)

CEO & Co-founder

usheru, Ireland


Agustina Lumi (she/her)

Business Development Consultant

usheru, Ireland