Presentation & Networking Reception - Navarra Film Industry

Associated Event

Access: By invitation only

Sun Feb 16 12:00 – 14:00 CinemaxX Lounge
on-site only

Presentation & Networking Reception - Navarra Film Industry

Organized by Navarra Film Industry, representing the audiovisual sector in Navarre, the event will provide an insight on the booming audiovisual ecosystem of the region as well as an opportunity, in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere, to learn firsthand the advantages of working in the region and meet the main agents operating in Navarre, to develop relationships and to create new opportunities.

Navarra Film Industry gathers both the public and the private key agents behind the audiovisual industry in Navarre brought together in the common purpose of promoting and boosting opportunities for the sector. Navarra Film Industry is formed by: The Audiovisual and Digital Projects Area, dependent on the Government of Navarra’s General-Directorate for Culture, NICDO (Navarre Promotion of Culture, Sport and Leisure), Navarra Film Commission, NAPAR (Association of production companies in Navarre), and CLAVNA (Audiovisual Cluster of Navarre).

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