Film and Audiovisual Funding in Italy

Berlinale Industry Events

Access: Market Badge

Tags: #Producers
Fri Feb 16 10:00 – 11:00 Producers and Projects Hub at Gropius Bau
on-site only

A world-renowned destination for financing, producing and filming international high-profile screen projects, the Italian film industry has a strong track record in attracting inward investment.
This session aims to offer an occasion to navigate the Italian film financing and regulatory landscape and to uncover the opportunities of co-producing with Italy.

Introduction: Armando Varricchio – Ambassador of Italy to Germany


Ferdinando Fiore – Director, Italian Trade Agency

Nicola Maccanico – CEO, Cinecittà

Roberto Stabile – Head of Special Projects, Directorate General for Cinema and Audiovisual/Cinecittà

Rossella Gaudio – Analyst and Consultant on Regulatory Changes, Directorate General for Cinema and Audiovisual

Carmen Diotiaiuti – Deputy Director, Italy for Movies

Moderator: Nick Vivarelli – Italy and Middle East Correspondent, Variety

Please visit the Italian Pavilion website for detailed information on Italy as 'EFM's Country in Focus' and all their events.