Consult the Experts

Berlinale Industry Events

Access: On pre-registration

Consult the Experts offers you best practice from experts in the sections funding, packaging, sales, distribution, impact producing, marketing, PR, and (co-)producing.

The sessions are only available to Market Badge holders and on pre-registration. Participants have access to book one consulting session on a five participants table via Cituro. All participants are called to come well prepared to these sessions. Please bring visual material to optimise your pitch! Each session with one of the experts lasts for 60 minutes.

2 - 3pm
Anick Poirier I Free Consultant (Sales / Distribution)
Alessandro Amato I Disparte ((Co-)Producing)
Betty Sulty-Johnson I Trace TV (Sales / Distribution)
Valentina Neumann I Alphapanda (Impact Producing / Marketing / Press & PR)
Prudence Kolong I Yanibes (Impact Producing / Marketing / Press & PR)
Todd Brown I XYZ Films (Sales / Distribution)
Laurence Lascary I DACP De L'autre côté du périph' ((Co-)Producing)
Zaferhan Yumru I IDA (Funding / Financing / Packaging)

3 - 4pm
Milton Guillen I Points North Institute (Funding / Financing / Packaging)
Carmen L. Vicencio I American Documentary (Sales / Distribution)
Jess Gormley I Guardian Documentaries ((Co-)Producing)
Isabel Arrate Fernandez I IDFA Bertha Fund (Funding / Financing / Packaging)
Denise Neustadt I UFA Fiction ((Co-)Producing)
Lorna Tee ((Co-)Producing)
Jonathan Rutter I Premier PR (Impact Producing / Marketing / Press & PR)

After booking, you will receive a confirmation email. If you are unable to attend, please cancel your reservation to allow others to book the open slot.