Berlinale Africa Hub
Jana Wolff

The Berlinale Africa Hub offers the latest insights into the African film industry as well as an international forum for communication and networking to African film professionals encompassing the entire African continent and its diasporas. The platform allows distributors, buyers, filmmakers and other professionals of the creative industries from or with a focus on Africa to come together, make contacts and exchange ideas on the innovative developments, trends, potential and visions.
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In 2021 the Berlinale Africa Hub joins forces with all EFM platforms presenting the EFM Industry Sessions. The new programme offers online sessions containing various events: cutting-edge and interactive talk formats streamed live and available online, workshops, matchmaking and networking events. Not to be missed by anyone who wants to know what 2021 has in store.
The “Berlinale Africa Hub” is an initiative of the European Film Market (EFM), in cooperation with the World Cinema Fund, Berlinale Talents (including its sister programme Talents Durban) and the Berlinale Co-Production Market.
“The twenty-first century will be an African century.”
Achille Mbembe, Cameroon/South Africa
“Of the world’s top ten countries with the youngest populations, eight are in sub-Sahara Africa. By 2050, the region will be home to all 10.” World Bank